This is an oral cholera vaccine, presented as 3ml suspension in vial & the sodium hydrogen carbonate buffer as effervescent granules in sachet.
Comp: A total of 1 x1011 bacteria of the V. cholera with recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (rCTB) lmg are present in the vaccine.
Ind: Active immunization against diseases caused by V. cholera & Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli (ETEC).
C/I: None stated.
S/E: Gastrointestinal symptoms (upset stomach), related to the sodium hydrogen carbonate, may occur occasionally.
Precautions & warnings: Vaccination should be postopned in cases of acute illness.
Pregnancy & lactation: May be aministered during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Dosage & admin: Adults & children aged over 6 years: 2 doses; Children 2 to 6 years: 3 doses. Doses are to be given at intervals of at least one week but less than 6 weeks apart. If more than 6 weeks elapse between doses, basic immunization should be re-started.
Immunization should be completed at least one week prior to travelling or potential exposure to the pathogens.
Preparation of vaccine: The buffer is dissolved in a glass of water (approximately 150ml). Dukoral vaccine should be mixed with the buffer solution and drunk. The solution is
raspberry flavoured. For the children 2 to 6 years of age- half the amount of the buffer sodium hydrogen carbonate solution is poured away and the remaining part (approximately 75ml) is mixed with the vaccine and drunk.
Drug inter: The vaccine is acid labile. Consequently, food and drink should be avoided 1 hour before and 1 hour after vaccination.
Storage: Keep refrigerated (+2-8°C).
Note: For further information, please consult manufacturer's literature.
Price: 2 x 1 doses pack: 2398.00 MRP
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